Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

[O182.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

Get Free Ebook Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

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Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

Get Free Ebook Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

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Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute

Innovation is an economic imperative that calls for more people to be innovating, more often. These cards equip people in various lines of work to become more innovative. They enable practical planning in order to bring new and lasting value into the world.

The key ingredient to successful innovation is the everyday practice of Human-Centered Design: the discipline of developing solutions in the service of people. Every story of a good innovation--whether it's a new product, a new service, a new business model or a new form of governance-- begins and ends with people. It starts with careful discernment of human needs, and concludes with solutions that meet or exceed personal expectations.

This deck of cards is an essential resource for innovation. It's a set of planning cards describing thirty-six methods of Human-Centered Design, organized by way of three key design skills:

- Looking: Methods for observing human experience

- Understanding: Methods for analyzing challenges and opportunities

- Making: Methods for envisioning future possibilities

Each featured method includes a brief description, a pictorial example and a quick guide with helpful hints for initial application. The full collection of methods is small enough to digest quickly, yet large enough to address myriad challenges. This deck does not prescribe a formulaic innovation process. Rather, it introduces a versatile set of methods for practicing Human-Centered Design as a daily discipline in order to be more innovative and drive sustainable growth.

Learn more at:

  • Sales Rank: #79492 in Books
  • Published on: 2012
  • Binding: Cards
  • 38 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Outstanding toolset! Easy to understand and use
By C. L. Johnson
I've worked with LUMA in the past year and find their materials to be outstanding and their "Looking, Understanding, Making" approach to be very accessible to average people who don't necessarily think of themselves as "innovators". They provide simple methods that help people and groups work together to lead them from idea generation through selection finally to envisioning implementation. Through careful selection and presentation of well-known tools and good external resources for those who wish to learn more, they are able to provide something useful for the novice to the expert. In short, these guys ROCK!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Useful overview of some creative design techniques
By Colin Mulberg
Innovating for People gives a helpful short guide to a range of techniques useful in design. Each design technique is shown as a easy-to-read double-page spread, giving a brief explanation, bullet points on how the technique works, helpful hints, benefits and an example and photo of the technique in action. The techniques are classified into different categories (looking, understanding and making) and a diagram shows which techniques work well together. Many of the techniques involve generating ideas and sorting and prioritizing them; there are fewer techniques on how to communicate processes. There is just about enough detail to use the technique - more explanation and expanded examples would help. I can see how to adapt some of the techniques to my design work. I feel this book is most useful as material to accompany one of the Luma Institute's courses on Human-Centred Design, but it does work as a stand-alone resource.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A Great Support for Human Centred Design
By J Giacomin
The LUMA Institute's card deck is an excellent tool for use by students, academics and professionals alike. The cards explain the main human centred design techniques in a clear and helpful manner, proving instantly understandable to even the relative newcomer to the field. The card deck is a must-have tool for 21st century designers...

See all 20 customer reviews...

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Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute PDF

Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute PDF
Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards, by LUMA Institute PDF

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