Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

[A258.Ebook] Free Ebook Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

Free Ebook Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

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Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

Free Ebook Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

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Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger

Adrift in Tokyo, translating obscene rap lyrics for giggling Japanese high school girls,, "thirtynothing" Robert Twigger comes to a revelation about himself: He has never been fit nor brave. Guided by his roommates, Fat Frank and Chris, he sets out to cleanse his body and mind. Not knowing his fist from his elbow, the author is drawn into the world of Japanese martial arts, joining the Tokyo Riot Police on their yearlong, brutally demanding course of budo training, where any ascetic motivation soon comes up against bloodstained "white pyjamas" and fractured collarbones. In Angry White Pyjamas, Twigger blends, the ancient with the modern--the ultratraditionalism, ritual, and violence of the dojo (training academy) with the shopping malls, nightclubs, and scenes of everyday Tokyo life in the 1990s--to provide a brilliant, bizarre glimpse of life in contemporary Japan.

Adrift in Tokyo, "thirtynothing" Robert Twigger came to a revelation about himself: He had never been fit or brave. Guided by his roommates, he set out to cleanse his body and mind. Not knowing his fist from his elbow, the author is sucked into the world of Japanese martial arts and joins the Tokyo Riot Police on their year-long, brutally demanding course of budo training, where any ascetic motivation soon comes up against blood-stained "white pyjamas" and fractured collarbones. In this entertaining book, Twigger blends the ancient with the modern--the ultratraditionalism, ritual, and violence of the "dojo" (training academy) with the shopping malls, nightclubs, and scenes of everyday Tokyo life in the 1990s--to provide a brilliant, bizarre glimpse of contemporary Japan.Adrift in Tokyo, "thirtynothing" Robert Twigger came to a revelation about himself: He had never been fit or brave. Guided by his roommates, he set out to cleanse his body and mind. Not knowing his fist from his elbow, the author is sucked into the world of Japanese martial arts and joins the Tokyo Riot Police on their year-long, brutally demanding course of budo training, where any ascetic motivation soon comes up against blood-stained "white pyjamas" and fractured collarbones. In this entertaining book, Twigger blends the ancient with the modern--the ultratraditionalism, ritual, and violence of the "dojo" (training academy) with the shopping malls, nightclubs, and scenes of everyday Tokyo life in the 1990s--to provide a brilliant, bizarre glimpse of contemporary Japan.

  • Sales Rank: #230854 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-03-22
  • Released on: 2000-03-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .73" w x 5.31" l, .60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

"His fine eye for eccentricities makes this an entertaining travelogue."-- "The Observer""A frantic, very funny, urban quest." -- Simon Garfield, "Mail on Sunday"

About the Author
Robert Twigger, the author of Angry White Pyjamas and Big Snake, was born in 1964 and educated at Oxford, where he won the Newdigate Poetry Prize. In 1991 he went to Japan, studied traditional martial arts, and completed the course for the Tokyo riot police. In 1996 Twigger trained as a bullfighter in Spain, went looking for bona fide zombies in Haiti, and reported for the Daily Telegraph on chain gangs in Arizona. In 1997 he spent four months in Indonesia, attempting to capture the longest snake in the world. After many setbacks and adventures, his team succeeded in capturing a python twenty-six feet long -- almost certainly a world record for a snake currently in captivity. In addition to writing books, he is a regular contributor to Esquire, Maxim, the Daily Telegraph, and the Financial Times. He lives in London.

Most helpful customer reviews

45 of 45 people found the following review helpful.
Eye of the Budoka
By Erik Olson
As a newly minted ShoDan in Shiho Karano Karate, I have to be skilled in knowledge as well as technique. To that end, I've been reading a number of books about the martial arts. One part of that genre are the autobiographical accounts of Budo practitioners. I want to gain deeper insight through what others have experienced, learned, and how they changed as a result of martial arts training. "Angry White Pyjamas" is one such tale, written by a Brit who studied Aikido in Japan during the 90s. Robert Twigger, a disaffected thirtysomething teaching English to Tokyo high school girls, decides that he is incomplete as a man without some sort of physical challenge. Martial arts training appears to fit the bill, so he and his two expiate roommates enroll in a local aikido dojo. While taking regular classes, Mr. Twigger is drawn to the dojo's toughest mode of aikido instruction: an intense yearlong course normally taken by Japanese Kidotai (riot police) as a job requirement. Despite his initial misgivings and warnings from others about the course's difficulty, he goes for it and resolves to finish no matter what. "Angry White Pyjamas" chronicles Mr. Twigger's struggle to prove himself by successfully completing the Kidotai Aikido course.

Mr. Twigger makes many observations about his life and Japanese culture both in and out of the dojo, so there's lots of exposition compared to, say, "Moving Zen" by C.W. Nicol. Also unlike Sensei Nicol, Mr. Twigger is not wholeheartedly enraptured by Japanese culture. He has a more postmodern viewpoint, so his anecdotes are not filtered through rose-colored glasses. But humor leavens much of his story, and there's no disrespect or Western condescension. As one who was stationed in mainland Japan from '88 to '90, I enjoyed the reminders his recollections provoked (funky food, navigating the extensive train system, hanging out in Roppongi, etc.). Mr. Twigger also makes the other folks he encounters come alive through his writing; his slacker roommates Fat Frank and Chris are particularly priceless. But the most interesting aspect of "Angry White Pyjamas" is Mr. Twigger's search for validation as a male through overcoming adversity. He reminded me of an "Iron John" or "Wild at Heart" kind of guy, looking for affirmation of his masculinity via completion of the brutal riot police course. As a former Marine and current martial artist, I identified and sympathized with his quest. The course was a rite of passage for Mr. Twigger, and I rooted for him every step of the way. Many times he came close to quitting due to constant pain, injuries, fatigue, interpersonal conflicts, and his own perceived ineptitude with aikido. But despite these hardships he didn't give up, and for that I commend and respect him.

I read "Angry White Pyjamas" in conjunction with "Iron and Silk" by Mark Salzman and "Moving Zen" by C.W. Nicol to get multiple perspectives on martial arts training. It's interesting to compare and contrast Mr. Twigger's 90s presuppositions and experiences with those of Mr. Salzman's in the 80s and Sensei Nicol's in the early 60s. Each book is a fascinating snapshot of a particular era, culture, and martial art style (Aikido, Wushu, and Karate). But despite their different philosophies, motivations, and levels of immersion, all of these men achieved personal growth and maturation through practicing the martial arts in a persevering fashion. I found that to be inspiring, and so I recommend all three books.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Nice glimpse of the real Japan and of Aikido
By Curiosity #3
I live in Japan, have studied the language for several years and am asked often by visitors what books I'd recommend to them to get acquainted with the country. Angry White Pyjamas is one of the top recommendations I'll make from now on. It is fun, and in a usually unbiased way portrays Japanese society as it is: bizarre and surprising to the westerner. The author gets most of his rather low-key comments on the observed right, too. One of the big screw-ups are his comments on Japanese food to which he attributes no value. The food he experienced was probably influenced by two factors: his low income (never good in the world's most expensive country) and life in the dojo which apparently didn't avail him to anything better than the worst there is. The description of the Yoshinkan course is satisfying for someone with an interest in martial arts but no deep expertise in it. It is more about life in that particular dojo, rather than about Aikido itself, e.g. the technical aspects of it.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Keep in mind he's a poet
I picked this book up in a library when I was mentally preparing for a trip to Japan. Starting with the subtitle "A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons from the Tokyo Riot Police", I was hooked. There are plenty of martial arts books where the writer tries to show off what a great warrior he is, and plenty of instructional books. This is not one of them. It is a book about a poet who decides he needs to become a warrior to be a real man, and then actually goes out and does it. It's also an incredibly funny book about being a foreigner in Japan, and the every day struggles that go along with that.
When I got to Japan, I found that the book had prepared me quite well for the kind of mental space to expect, and even the feelings that I was having as a foreigner.
Aside from its utilitarian value, this is an incredibly enjoyable book which kept me up far past my bedtime. The quotes from the Hagakure which begin some of the chapters are quite a treat, too.

See all 64 customer reviews...

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Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger PDF

Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger PDF
Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police, by Robert Twigger PDF

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