Selasa, 30 April 2013

[W340.Ebook] Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

When it comes to musical skill, why is it that some people achieve so much more than others? We are frequently led to believe this is because of a talent hardwired into their DNA. Now, music educator Michael Griffin dismisses that age-old notion in favour of another known factor: practice. His new book, Learning Strategies for Musical Success illustrates how the quantity and quality of practice is the greatest predictor of musical success so that aspiring musicians of all ages and abilities can best bring about expert performance. This inspiring, accessible guide will equip students, teachers, adult learners, and parents with the methods and mindset to improve the likelihood of learning music successfully.

"Deeply impressive; the breadth of research is fascinating!" – Victorian Music Teachers Association

"Terrific...eminently practical...excellent discussion...I came away inspired and excited." - The Music Trust, Australia

"This book really does deliver" - American Music Teacher

“I can’t think of any other book that draws on so many resources to create a new understanding of learning music. Every serious music student, music teacher, and parent of a music student will find important information in this book. Griffin gives clear examples of how concepts are applied that make for enjoyable reading. This book has a potential for making lifelong differences in the lives of music students, parents and teachers.” - Roy Ernst, PhD, LLD Professor Emeritus, Eastman School of Music of The University of Rochester

"A must buy for every music teacher and music student. Bravo on a most stimulating read. This draws together old wisdom and the latest research. I am re-reading this excellent book for the third time, highlighter pen in hand." 5 stars (Amazon Rank) - William Bruce, Guildhall UK.

"A most stimulating read that has given me a great deal to think about." - Nicholas Carpenter, Prebendal, UK.

"Fantastic book...simply brilliant!" - Ian Cooper, Norfolk Music Service, UK.

"A must read for all music educators. Michael Griffin has collected lessons from his own experience - which is extensive, and pertinent, recent research to provide a detailed overview of how we learn, and how students can be empowered and trained to become effective, efficient and independent learners. The book is well documented, making it convenient to go on to further reading about the topics of each chapter. The language is concise and easily understood, yet deeply practical and useful." - 5 stars Robert Adams, Music Educator, New Haven, USA.

"Don't miss this opportunity!" - 5 stars Mary George, USA.

  • Sales Rank: #611087 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-24
  • Released on: 2013-12-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Kirkus Reviews
Music educator Griffin aims to help readers understand the science behind “practice makes perfect.”

While Griffin’s new book doesn’t go so far as to guarantee perfection for its practitioners, he does make a point to debunk the myth of natural talent, arguing instead for the unmatched importance of time spent practicing. With regard to so-called child prodigies, Griffin writes that what distinguishes them is that “they are constantly compared with children their own age, rather than with others who have accrued similar quantities of practice hours, similar opportunities, and family support.” Still, parents of would-be child prodigies can learn plenty here about how best to nurture their budding musicians. Griffin’s six well-researched, in-depth chapters are explained well for lay readers, translating studies in mathematics and neuroscience into comprehensible pop psychology with plenty of valuable “learning strategies for musical success.” Griffin also offers worthwhile information for non-musicians. Particularly interesting are his notes on selecting background music for study, considering volume, tempo, tonality and texture. “Extrovert teenage boys are,” perhaps not surprisingly, “most at risk to choose poor study music.” Ultimately, rooted as it is in research and experience, much of Griffin’s advice comes down to matters of common sense, such as the need to strike a balance between encouragement and critical instruction. Figuring out how to do this is, of course, a bit trickier, so musical educators and parents of young music students alike will be grateful for Griffin’s valuable insights and the supporting information he’s gathered.

A helpful guide for anyone looking to understand musical success.

Review: Victorian Music Teachers Association, July 7, 2014 by Robert Chamberlain

"A deeply impressive work, the breadth of research is fascinating! It is Griffin's combination of his many years of practical experience as a music educator and consultant, with his broad overview of research and primary sources that makes this book so valuable and unique. A combination of big-picture theories and ideas with immediately practical strategies and examples." Robert Chamberlain, Monash University Piano Staff, for VMTA.

From the Author
Introduction �

Learning Strategies for Musical Success presents an overview of concepts that will enhance the lifelong enjoyment of learning music and is geared toward classroom and studio music teachers, music students, and parents. Samuel Johnson once said, "People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed," and these pages serve this purpose. But good teaching is not always intuitive and is sometimes carried out with the best of intentions at the expense of learning. Periodically teachers and learners need reinvigoration and inspiration. In this book I share exciting new findings in learning psychology and cognitive neuroscience�that will inform and improve the learning of music. Just as the music student embarks on a lifelong journey for musical understanding, the music teacher is challenged to embrace an enduring search for teaching methods that result in more successful learning outcomes.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
An Important book for students, teachers and Parents!
By Mary Gae George
Many parents want to help and encourage their children in their music study at home during the week between lessons. But they may not know where to start and how best to help. The author of this book, Michael Griffin, dedicated this book to his mother and his uncle "who inspired me to persist with and gain enjoyment from, the study and performance of music." So you are reading the recommendations and suggestions of someone who knows how rich an experience this is and can be for all concerned. Don't miss this opportunity!

We all must first examine the Table of Contents of any book we are considering. Here we find that:
Chapter One ─ Musical Potential is 15 pages long. As someone who has taught music for over 75 years, I can assure you that some students with lowest "potential" are the most responsive and excited about their "progress." That is my chapter one!

Chapter Two is ─ How to Practice.. This is 40 pages long. Now we know we have an important book in our hands.

Chapter Three is ─ The soft skills of achievement. . Now, pages don't even matter.

Chapter Four is ─ Playing music with the whole brain. And the sections are;
With Instrument, With Notation
With Instrument, Without Notation
Without Instrument, With Notation
Without Instrument, Without Notation

Chapter Five ─ Musical Creativity
Working in Groups

Chapter 6 ─ Music and Intelligence

The book closes with ─ A FINAL NOTE, and References

I have tried to let the book speak for itself. If I did well, you are planning to purchase and read this Important Book!

If you do not have any children in your family studying music, read this book and sign up for lessons. This will set a fine example for your children, and allow you to enjoy all the wonders and delights this book brought to your awareness.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
The best resource for music teachers.
By Andrew Heuzenroeder
As a musician and music teacher, I found that I could relate to everything in the book, particularly the chapter on how to practice. The various musical examples and quotes were all relevant to the cause and made for an interesting read. A must read for musicians, teachers and enthusiasts!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The most helpful book for anyone who wants to improve at their instrument
By teko
I found this book extremely helpful in explaining the most effective ways to learn a new piece of music. Michael puts forward the premise that any motivated child or adult can improve their playing with the correct method of practice. I loved the various quotations throughout the book eg. "We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit" - Aristotle

This book in itself makes you feel that you can master your instrument.

See all 21 customer reviews...

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF
Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF

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