Selasa, 30 April 2013

[W340.Ebook] Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

Ebook Download Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin

When it comes to musical skill, why is it that some people achieve so much more than others? We are frequently led to believe this is because of a talent hardwired into their DNA. Now, music educator Michael Griffin dismisses that age-old notion in favour of another known factor: practice. His new book, Learning Strategies for Musical Success illustrates how the quantity and quality of practice is the greatest predictor of musical success so that aspiring musicians of all ages and abilities can best bring about expert performance. This inspiring, accessible guide will equip students, teachers, adult learners, and parents with the methods and mindset to improve the likelihood of learning music successfully.

"Deeply impressive; the breadth of research is fascinating!" – Victorian Music Teachers Association

"Terrific...eminently practical...excellent discussion...I came away inspired and excited." - The Music Trust, Australia

"This book really does deliver" - American Music Teacher

“I can’t think of any other book that draws on so many resources to create a new understanding of learning music. Every serious music student, music teacher, and parent of a music student will find important information in this book. Griffin gives clear examples of how concepts are applied that make for enjoyable reading. This book has a potential for making lifelong differences in the lives of music students, parents and teachers.” - Roy Ernst, PhD, LLD Professor Emeritus, Eastman School of Music of The University of Rochester

"A must buy for every music teacher and music student. Bravo on a most stimulating read. This draws together old wisdom and the latest research. I am re-reading this excellent book for the third time, highlighter pen in hand." 5 stars (Amazon Rank) - William Bruce, Guildhall UK.

"A most stimulating read that has given me a great deal to think about." - Nicholas Carpenter, Prebendal, UK.

"Fantastic book...simply brilliant!" - Ian Cooper, Norfolk Music Service, UK.

"A must read for all music educators. Michael Griffin has collected lessons from his own experience - which is extensive, and pertinent, recent research to provide a detailed overview of how we learn, and how students can be empowered and trained to become effective, efficient and independent learners. The book is well documented, making it convenient to go on to further reading about the topics of each chapter. The language is concise and easily understood, yet deeply practical and useful." - 5 stars Robert Adams, Music Educator, New Haven, USA.

"Don't miss this opportunity!" - 5 stars Mary George, USA.

  • Sales Rank: #611087 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-24
  • Released on: 2013-12-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Kirkus Reviews
Music educator Griffin aims to help readers understand the science behind “practice makes perfect.”

While Griffin’s new book doesn’t go so far as to guarantee perfection for its practitioners, he does make a point to debunk the myth of natural talent, arguing instead for the unmatched importance of time spent practicing. With regard to so-called child prodigies, Griffin writes that what distinguishes them is that “they are constantly compared with children their own age, rather than with others who have accrued similar quantities of practice hours, similar opportunities, and family support.” Still, parents of would-be child prodigies can learn plenty here about how best to nurture their budding musicians. Griffin’s six well-researched, in-depth chapters are explained well for lay readers, translating studies in mathematics and neuroscience into comprehensible pop psychology with plenty of valuable “learning strategies for musical success.” Griffin also offers worthwhile information for non-musicians. Particularly interesting are his notes on selecting background music for study, considering volume, tempo, tonality and texture. “Extrovert teenage boys are,” perhaps not surprisingly, “most at risk to choose poor study music.” Ultimately, rooted as it is in research and experience, much of Griffin’s advice comes down to matters of common sense, such as the need to strike a balance between encouragement and critical instruction. Figuring out how to do this is, of course, a bit trickier, so musical educators and parents of young music students alike will be grateful for Griffin’s valuable insights and the supporting information he’s gathered.

A helpful guide for anyone looking to understand musical success.

Review: Victorian Music Teachers Association, July 7, 2014 by Robert Chamberlain

"A deeply impressive work, the breadth of research is fascinating! It is Griffin's combination of his many years of practical experience as a music educator and consultant, with his broad overview of research and primary sources that makes this book so valuable and unique. A combination of big-picture theories and ideas with immediately practical strategies and examples." Robert Chamberlain, Monash University Piano Staff, for VMTA.

From the Author
Introduction �

Learning Strategies for Musical Success presents an overview of concepts that will enhance the lifelong enjoyment of learning music and is geared toward classroom and studio music teachers, music students, and parents. Samuel Johnson once said, "People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed," and these pages serve this purpose. But good teaching is not always intuitive and is sometimes carried out with the best of intentions at the expense of learning. Periodically teachers and learners need reinvigoration and inspiration. In this book I share exciting new findings in learning psychology and cognitive neuroscience�that will inform and improve the learning of music. Just as the music student embarks on a lifelong journey for musical understanding, the music teacher is challenged to embrace an enduring search for teaching methods that result in more successful learning outcomes.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
An Important book for students, teachers and Parents!
By Mary Gae George
Many parents want to help and encourage their children in their music study at home during the week between lessons. But they may not know where to start and how best to help. The author of this book, Michael Griffin, dedicated this book to his mother and his uncle "who inspired me to persist with and gain enjoyment from, the study and performance of music." So you are reading the recommendations and suggestions of someone who knows how rich an experience this is and can be for all concerned. Don't miss this opportunity!

We all must first examine the Table of Contents of any book we are considering. Here we find that:
Chapter One ─ Musical Potential is 15 pages long. As someone who has taught music for over 75 years, I can assure you that some students with lowest "potential" are the most responsive and excited about their "progress." That is my chapter one!

Chapter Two is ─ How to Practice.. This is 40 pages long. Now we know we have an important book in our hands.

Chapter Three is ─ The soft skills of achievement. . Now, pages don't even matter.

Chapter Four is ─ Playing music with the whole brain. And the sections are;
With Instrument, With Notation
With Instrument, Without Notation
Without Instrument, With Notation
Without Instrument, Without Notation

Chapter Five ─ Musical Creativity
Working in Groups

Chapter 6 ─ Music and Intelligence

The book closes with ─ A FINAL NOTE, and References

I have tried to let the book speak for itself. If I did well, you are planning to purchase and read this Important Book!

If you do not have any children in your family studying music, read this book and sign up for lessons. This will set a fine example for your children, and allow you to enjoy all the wonders and delights this book brought to your awareness.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
The best resource for music teachers.
By Andrew Heuzenroeder
As a musician and music teacher, I found that I could relate to everything in the book, particularly the chapter on how to practice. The various musical examples and quotes were all relevant to the cause and made for an interesting read. A must read for musicians, teachers and enthusiasts!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The most helpful book for anyone who wants to improve at their instrument
By teko
I found this book extremely helpful in explaining the most effective ways to learn a new piece of music. Michael puts forward the premise that any motivated child or adult can improve their playing with the correct method of practice. I loved the various quotations throughout the book eg. "We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit" - Aristotle

This book in itself makes you feel that you can master your instrument.

See all 21 customer reviews...

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Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF

Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF
Learning Strategies For Musical Success, by Michael Griffin PDF

[L621.Ebook] Download The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

Download The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

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The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

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The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello

Become a Better You Today!

It’s easy to say that one must impose discipline on oneself to be successful in life. But, very few people are able to do it for a lifetime. If you are aiming to regulate yourself with self-realization, this is the best thing in life rather than doing it just because somebody told you to do so.

The Essence of Self-Discipline aims at helping you develop a strong character so that you can set your goals for life with a clear picture and become responsible for your actions. It is very important to learn a few things early in life like time management, work with concentration, finance management, lead a healthy life, etc. because there is no use repenting later. And all these goals can be achieved by disciplining yourself.

What Will I learn In This Book?
  • Goal setting
  • Persistence and courage
  • How to develop a strong character
  • How to achieve personal excellence
  • Develop professional success
  • Create new habits and behaviors
  • And much much more!

All the events in our life work in conjunction with each other and it depends on us how we establish coordination between them. When you will go through this book, you will find a lot more help than expected to discipline yourself.

Stop Thinking, Take ACTION and Buy This Book!

Scroll up and click "Buy now with 1-Click"button to receive this life changing information

  • Sales Rank: #5381843 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-01-30
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .12" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 50 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Steve
If you want to achieve the following self control, self confidence, great willpower, success or achievement, and motivation then you need to learn about self discipline. This will help you to be more focus on achieving your goals in life. A great book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This book delivers!
By Rob H
Great read, short and to the point as it should be! I recommend to anyone needing advice on practicing self discipline and developing their willpower.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Kindle Customer
Better than most self help books. Especially if you are fluent in German. I on the other hand am not.

See all 3 customer reviews...

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The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello PDF
The Essence of Self-Discipline: How to Increase Your Willpower and Self-Discipline to Achieve Your Goal, by Jamie Botello PDF

Minggu, 28 April 2013

[B873.Ebook] Download Ebook Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev

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Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev

Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev

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Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev

A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute account of bridge management developments for researchers, designers, builders, administrators, and owners

Bridge Management draws on Bojidar Yanev's thirty years of research, teaching, and consulting as well as his management of 800 of New York City's 2,200 bridges. It offers an insider's view of the problems to be resolved in bridge management by civil and transportation engineers, budget and asset managers, abstract analysts, and hands-on field workers.

The personal search of the author for solutions is juxtaposed with an overview of the dynamic interactions between bridge builders and the social and physical forces shaping the transportation infrastructure over the centuries. Bridge Management uniquely integrates the priorities, constraints, objectives, and tastes governing the domains of structural mechanics, economics, public administration, and field operations at both the project and network levels. It features:
* A review of current bridge management vulnerabilities, objectives, tools, and products
* Dozens of case studies illustrating the application of analytic models, and practical developments currently shaping the field
* Unique chapters exploring the evolution of bridge design, construction, and maintenance, from the origins of deliberate planning to the current integrated lifecycle asset management models

  • Sales Rank: #2809082 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-01-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.55" h x 1.50" w x 7.80" l, 2.85 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 672 pages

From the Back Cover
A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute account of bridge management developments for researchers, designers, builders, administrators, and owners

Bridge Management draws on Bojidar Yanev's thirty years of research, teaching, and consulting as well as his management of 800 of New York City's 2,200 bridges. It offers an insider's view of the problems to be resolved in bridge management by civil and transportation engineers, budget and asset managers, abstract analysts, and hands-on field workers.

The personal search of the author for solutions is juxtaposed with an overview of the dynamic interactions between bridge builders and the social and physical forces shaping the transportation infrastructure over the centuries. Bridge Management uniquely integrates the priorities, constraints, objectives, and tastes governing the domains of structural mechanics, economics, public administration, and field operations at both the project and network levels. It features:

  • A review of current bridge management vulnerabilities, objectives, tools, and products
  • Dozens of case studies illustrating the application of analytic models, and practical developments currently shaping the field
  • Unique chapters exploring the evolution of bridge design, construction, and maintenance, from the origins of deliberate planning to the current integrated lifecycle asset management models

About the Author
Bojidar Yanev, EngSCD, is the Executive Director of the Bridge Inspection and Bridge Management Department of the New York City Department of Transportation. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Columbia University.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
For the Public Works Administrator
By El Cutachero
This is intended for the professionals; only the most advanced "pontist" will find this of great interest.
More than a pontist needs to know in order to appreciate the aesthetics and the histories of construction problems that are found in the great number of albums and popular histories past and present.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev PDF
Bridge Management, by Bojidar Yanev PDF

Jumat, 26 April 2013

[R900.Ebook] Download A Devil's Chaplain, by Richard Dawkins

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A Devil's Chaplain, by Richard Dawkins

The first collection of essays from renowned scientist and best-selling author Richard Dawkins is an enthusiastic declaration, a testament to the power of rigorous scientific examination to reveal the wonders of the world. In these essays Dawkins revisits the meme, the unit of cultural information that he named and wrote about in his groundbreaking work The Selfish Gene. Here also are moving tributes to friends and colleagues, including a eulogy for novelist Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; correspondence with the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; and visits with the famed paleoanthropologists Richard and Maeve Leakey at their African wildlife preserve. The collection ends with a vivid note to Dawkins's ten-year-old daughter, reminding her to remain curious, to ask questions, and to live the examined life.

  • Sales Rank: #383367 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2004-10-27
  • Released on: 2004-10-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook Review
Richard Dawkins has an opinion on everything biological, it seems, and in A Devil's Chaplain, everything is biological. Dawkins weighs in on topics as diverse as ape rights, jury trials, religion, and education, all examined through the lens of natural selection and evolution. Although many of these essays have been published elsewhere, this book is something of a greatest-hits compilation, reprinting many of Dawkins' most famous recent compositions. They are well worth re-reading. His 1998 review of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Fashionable Nonsense is as bracing an indictment of academic obscurantism as the book it covered, although the review reveals some of Dawkins' personal biases as well. Several essays are devoted to skillfully debunking religion and mysticism, and these are likely to raise the hackles of even casual believers. Science, and more specifically evolutionary science, underlies each essay, giving readers a glimpse into the last several years' debates about the minutiae of natural selection. In one moving piece, Dawkins reflects on his late rival Stephen Jay Gould's magnum opus, The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, and clarifies what it was the two Darwinist heavyweights actually disagreed about. While the collection showcases Dawkins' brilliance and intellectual sparkle, it brings up as many questions as it answers. As an ever-ardent champion of science, honest discourse, and rational debate, Dawkins will obviously relish the challenge of answering them. --Therese Littleton

From Publishers Weekly
Oxford don Dawkins is familiar to readers with any interest in evolution. While the late Stephen Jay Gould was alive, he and Dawkins were friendly antagonists on the question of whether evolution "progresses" (Gould: No, Dawkins: Yes, depending on your definition of "progress"). Dawkins's The Selfish Gene has been very influential, not least for his introduction of the "meme," sort of a Lamarckian culturally inherited trait. In this, his first collection of essays, Dawkins muses on a wide spectrum of topics: why the jury system isn't the best way to determine innocence or guilt; the vindication of Darwinism (or what he insists is properly called neo-Darwinism) in the past quarter-century; the fallacy in thinking that individual genes, for instance a "gay gene," can be directly linked to personality traits; what he sees as the dangers of giving opponents the benefit of the doubt just because they wrap their arguments in religious belief; several sympathetic pieces on Gould; and a final section on why we all can be said to be "out of Africa." Fans of Dawkins's earlier books should snap up this collection. Readers new to him may find that the short format (many of these essays were originally forewords to books, book reviews or magazine pieces) doesn't quite do his reputation justice. Dawkins will antagonize some readers by his attacks on religion: his tone in these essays may fall just short of intellectual arrogance, but he certainly exhibits an intellectual impatience not always beneficial to his argument. Still, Dawkins's enthusiasm for the diversity of life on this planet should prove contagious.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Scientific American
Dawkins, a renowned evolutionary biologist who now holds an endowed chair as professor of the public understanding of science at the University of Oxford, is a man of firm opinions, which he expresses with clarity and punch. His topics in this collection of essays range widely--academic obscurantism, his "distrust of the jury system" and "where we go wrong in education" among them. He also enlarges on concepts he put forward in his acclaimed book The Selfish Gene and in introducing the meme. That is the name he gave to "mind viruses," or the idea "that self-replicating information leaps infectiously from mind to mind." He sees religions as such viruses. "To describe religions as mind viruses," he writes, "is sometimes interpreted as contemptuous or even hostile. It is both.... As a lover of truth, I am suspicious of strongly held beliefs that are unsupported by evidence."

Editors of Scientific American

Most helpful customer reviews

226 of 240 people found the following review helpful.
Startling Sermons
By Rob Hardy
Charles Darwin said that there was grandeur in his view of life produced by natural selection, but it was not all a pretty picture. He wrote his friend Joseph Hooker in 1856: "What a book a Devil's Chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering low and horridly cruel works of nature." Richard Dawkins has taken the quotation for the title of a collection of his writings, A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love (Houghton Mifflin). Darwin also wrote of a particular wasp: "I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living body of caterpillars." But as Darwin (and Dawkins) would remind us, the evolutionary process has produced wonderfully designed creatures, and a wasp who cares for its young by letting them hatch within a hapless caterpillar is simply doing a competent job of getting the young off to a good start. It might be distasteful to us (and should have been to a supreme being), but nature just doesn't care. It isn't kindness of the mother wasp, or cruelty to the caterpillar, but simply amoral nature.
But as chaplain, Dawkins notes that while wasps and caterpillars can do nothing about such amorality, we can. "At the same time as I support Darwinism as a scientist, I am a passionate anti-Darwinian when it comes to politics and how we should conduct our human affairs." There is no inconsistency here any more than in the physician who studies cancer, but is bent on eliminating it. And as devil's chaplain, Dawkins urges us to use our evolution-given brains, reject the pacifiers of faith in immortality, and rejoice in our short lives because they are all we have. Dawkins, you see, besides being an eminent Darwinian whose books like The Blind Watchmaker have wonderfully well laid out what evolution means, is also possibly the world's most famous atheist. You will find here his views on religious beliefs and creationists (or their newest incarnation as advocates of Intelligent Design), of course, but on "alternative medicine," crystal healing, homeopathy, and so on. Besides the rants, there is good humor and some warm tributes to friendship, especially in his memorials to his friends Douglas Adams and Stephen Jay Gould. The final chapter, "A Prayer for My Daughter," is a letter he wrote to her when she turned ten, to let her know how he thought she should select what to believe. The great question to ask in all disputes: "What kind of evidence is there for that?"
Readers will be reminded of the belligerence of Thomas Henry Huxley, "Darwin's Bulldog," but evolution is only one theme here. Included is his hilarious review of the book by the hoaxer Alan Sokal who submitted a nonsense paper to a postmodern journal and had it accepted. He rages against postmodernism, with its "all views are equal" stance making his scientific view equivalent to a voodoo view. He expresses his doubts about the jury system, and in a wonderful chapter ("Genes Aren't Us") discounts just how important genes are for personality. Another chapter makes us wonder at just how close we are to our ape cousins. Throughout, he is witty, and above all informative on a wide-range of subjects, not just on his refusal to accept what he sees as the diverse delusions of most of the world. Anyone who has admired his previous writings of science popularization will find these personal essays to be very appealing sermons from an accomplished chaplain.

113 of 122 people found the following review helpful.
A revealing collection of essays by a passionate scientist
By Dennis Littrell
One of the wonderful things about this book is the sense that one gets of a distinguished scientist letting his hair down, as it were, and discoursing informally on a number of interesting subjects including some outside his area of expertise. In the game of "Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose anybody?" Oxford University Professor Richard Dawkins, author of The Selfish Gene, and other important works on evolution, would be near the top of my list.

Not that I agree with everything he says. Indeed, that is part of the fun. Dawkins is adamant on some subjects, religion being one of them. A goodly portion of this book is devoted to letting us know exactly how he feels about the "God hypothesis," "liberal agnostics," and the so-called miracles recognized by especially the Catholic Church. The title of Chapter 3.3, "The Great Convergence" (of science and religion), for example, is used ironically. He sees no convergence; in fact, he calls such a notion "a shallow, empty, hollow, spin-doctored sham." (p. 151)

Clearly Dawkins is not a man to mince words. But his insistence on a restrictive definition of "God" as "a hypothetical being who answers prayers; intervenes to save cancer patients...forgives sin," etc., is really the problem. He considers the "religion" attributed to scientists like Einstein, Carl Sagan, Paul Davies and others (and even himself!) to involve a misuse of the term, calling such a definition "flabbily elastic" and not religion as experienced by "the ordinary person in the pew." (p. 147)

But what Dawkins is really railing against is the illegitimacy of believing in the supernatural and science at the same time.

While I think Dawkins makes a good point with this argument, I think it would be better to make a distinction between fundamentalist religion, which has been, and continues to be, the root cause of much of the horror in the world, and the more progressive varieties which recognize the limitations of the barbaric "Bronze-Age God of Battles." See Chapter 3.5 "Time to Stand Up" in which Dawkins rightly condemns the hatreds and violent history of the three middle eastern religions. At the same time I think he needs to realize that it is legitimate to define "God" as God is defined in, for example, the Vedas; that is, as The Ineffable, which has no attributes, about which nothing can be said.

However it is exactly his point that there is no evidence for the God hypothesis and that to partially accept such a notion, or even to be "agnostic" is to depart from a purely scientific viewpoint. In this I think the atheistic Dawkins is mistaken. Absence of proof is not proof of absence, period. And as far as religion, per se, goes, I would add that not only is religion part of human culture (for better or for worse), but is also part of the so-called "extended phenotype" of human beings, and not something that is going to be argued away.

I also have some reservations about his reasons for not debating with creationists. He believes that to debate with them gives them a legitimacy they don't deserve. In Chapter 5.5, he reveals a letter he wrote to Steven Jay Gould expressing such a view. I don't debate creationists either, but my reason is that creationists don't really debate. They have already made up their minds and are not capable of being influenced by evidence. Theirs is purely an exercise in propaganda. Furthermore, as Dawkins discovered himself (in Chapter 2.3 on the Australian film crew that he allowed into his house for an interview), it is often the case that creationists don't play fair.

In Chapter 1.5 "Trial by Jury" Dawkins presents his reservations about "one of the most conspicuously bad good ideas anyone ever had." I understand his demurral, but would like to point out that juries dispense a social justice; that the tribe makes its decisions based on what it perceives as good for the tribe now, not necessarily what's true in an objective or scientific sense.

Interesting enough, Dawkins demonstrates his knowledge of other scientific subjects, including physics, and he does it very well. I was particularly impressed with his explanation of entropy and how it effects the evolutionary process in Chapter 2.2. (See especially page 85.) He also does a fine job of elucidating why Lamarckism cannot work without a "Darwinian underpinning" since there must be a mechanism for selecting between the acquired characteristics that are improvements and those that are not. (p. 90) Good too is his characterization of genes as constituting "a kind of description of the ancestral environments through which those genes have survived." (p. 113)

On his tiff with Gould, Dawkins attempts to make amends by reprinting some semi-gracious and mostly positive reviews of some of Gould's books; however it is obvious that his professional and emotional differences with Gould remain.

One of the most important points that Dawkins reaffirms here is his belief that we humans, because of our unique insight into ourselves and our predicament, "can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators." (p. 11) What Dawkins means is that we do not have to take biology as destiny or to take Darwinism as a template for our morality--a point often missed by his critics.

There is much, much more of interest in this refreshingly personal collection of essays by one of our most original evolutionary thinkers, some of it first rate, and some of it rather ordinary; yet taken in total reveals a lot about Richard Dawkins, scientist, science writer, teacher, and human being that I was pleased to learn.

Incidentally, the title is from Charles Darwin who speculated on how such a personage might regard "the clumsy, wasteful, blundering low and horridly cruel works of nature." (p. 8)

That "devil's chaplain" here is Richard Dawkins himself who mostly directs his ire toward the stupidities of human beings.

--Dennis Littrell, author of "The World Is Not as We Think It Is

27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
A Devils Chaplain
By E. Silva-herzog
Richard Dawkins is one of the most influential and controversial essayists of today. A renowned evolutionary biologist, he currently holds the Charles Simonyi Chair at Oxford University. In his book A Devils Champlain he brings together 25 years and some of his best and most polemic essays (some previously unpublished) with subjects dealing with everything from love to evolution.

He employs his analytical passion to raise some mind-blowing questions and does not back down from challenging what many people consider as fundamental truths. He analyzes very intricate topics and situations through a scientific lens and is able to do it with clarity and simplicity. Although he has been criticized for some strong anti-religions standpoints and instances were his bias affects his writing; I believe that his work, even if you don't agree with it, is worth reading for he definitely makes some very valid points.

I believe Richard Dawkins is one of the elite essayist because of his ability to take on such complex beliefs, brake it down systematically and with the use of some philosophy prove his point; all while keeping a clear and simple style. He displays mastery in several subjects including, but not restricted to physics, biology and philosophy.

This book is divided into seven sections, each with a preamble. These sections are themselves made up of short and varied articles enabling reader is also able to jump from section to section and read different pieces since the order is not overly central. This complemented by his concise style making for a very easy read.

This book is not only a great read but it could change the way you think about some of the most basic things in you're life and will force you to re-analyze several aspects of today's society. I trust that this book made me a more knowledgeable person and taught me to question everything, extending to the things society considers self evident.

My favorite article titled "Trial by Jury" scientifically analyzes the system of trial by jury. This is a system in which the vast majority of the world ardently believes in, and is regarded as the closest humanly possible method of reaching justice. Growing up in America I was a firm believer that it was the ultimate system but after having read the article, in which Dawkins makes some undeniable points against it, I have come to question this system. However, this is the same reaction I had to many of his other articles where he questions things such as truth, religion, and the existence of god.

It is definitely a great introduction to anyone that is interested in Richard Dawkins work. It is one of his more concise pieces in which he reaches concert solutions, and a great prologue to his more intricate and ideological works.

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A Devil's Chaplain, by Richard Dawkins PDF

Jumat, 12 April 2013

[H821.Ebook] PDF Download Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

PDF Download Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

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Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

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Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz

Picture yourself in a darkened movie theater, or soothed by the pleasing glow of a television screen. You are watching as a history of the moving image unfolds onscreen, but this history will not take note of D.W. Griffith or Jean Renoir, nor will King Kong or Jaws make an appearance. As the images flicker past - of four ebullient Britishmen turning cartwheels in an open field, a man tap-dancing on an urban sidewalk, a wedding party in a rainstorm, a tragedy in a school classroom - they wax more familiar, the theme growing more coherent, more stable. They keep coming, though, quickly, relentlessly, constantly changing form, changing style, shapeshifting. The parade of images appears to possess a logic of its own, a guiding hand to steer its ship. Finally, as the last picture fills the screen - it happens to be of a shooting on a Brooklyn street - a light bulb goes off: these are all images from music videos, the short films that once ruled the airwaves, and still possess a significant hold on the generations raised by MTV. "I wonder what those were all about," you say... The music video is a medium that appears to have run its course, or at least hit a substantial rut in its evolution. MTV and VH1 have morphed into lifestyle channels, the musical component of their programming reduced to a mere blip on their schedule. BET, CMT, and other music channels still maintain their dedication to showing music videos regularly, but their narrower audiences render them distinctly niche channels. And yet the video's shining moment as part disposable crap, part momentary, fleeting genius (the exact cinematic/televisual equivalent of the pop song, of course) renders it a subject worthy of some serious attention. Saul Austerlitz's fascinating book tells the history of the music video, delving into its origins, function, stars, motifs, genres, conventions, and masterpieces. Austerlitz sees the music video as a fascinating oddity, capable of packing great wit, emotion, and insight into its brief span. A compelling marker of cultural history, the video emerged onto television screens nationwide and shone gloriously for a brief moment before disappearing into the remembrance of television past. Informed, opinionated, and always entertaining, Money for Nothing goes a long way toward retrieving the memory of this fleeting, evanescent art-form.

  • Sales Rank: #2595469 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Continuum
  • Published on: 2006-12-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .99" h x 6.32" w x 9.10" l, 1.15 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 268 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From Publishers Weekly
In this look back on the music video genre, film and music critic Austerlitz does an admirable job explaining how early pioneers like the Beatles and Bob Dylan paved the way for the Madonnas and Michael Jacksons of the 1980s, the decade in which the music video thrived. Unfortunately, Austerlitz muddles his historical narrative by arranging it more by theme than by chronology. Focusing on specific directors like Michel Gondry and Paul Hunter, topics such as comedy and minimalism, and the groundbreaking concepts and techniques of videos such as Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" and the Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares 2 U," Austerlitz proves an erudite authority, clearly articulating what makes videos such as the Replacements' "Bastards of Young" and Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" so important to the canon. But this specificity comes at the expense of a broader, more sociological take: hot-button subjects such as homosexuality are addressed, but Austerlitz rarely connects these to the prevailing cultural climate. Similarly, Austerlitz's assessment can be succinct and spot-on, as in his consideration of Nirvana's legacy, but these moments are too few and far between. Still, film and music aficionados will find themselves smiling at discussion of their favorites and chuckling over Austerlitz's skewering of less successful specimens; like his subject, Austerlitz's efforts can be described as "part disposable crap, part ... genius."
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

'Money captures music video at an important turning point. As the Internet becomes our primary outlet for video viewing, we need writers like Saul Austerlitz - music fanatics who've watched more episodes of 120 Minutes than clinically recommended - to remind us of the medium's bygone halcyon era.' (Andrew Leahy, New Music, 2006)

,, December 21, 2006. (Eric Wilinski)

'His [Saul Austerlitz] love-hate relationship with his subject...results in a study that's as it is entertaining. Four stars'~ Mojo, March 2007

'Music videos finally get their proper due as a legitimate art form for rigorous analysis...Austerlitz is nothing if not thorough. He opens the book with an introduction that does a nice job of explaining just what this mutant media object connotes to the masses.'Marc Weingarten, Paste, Issue 28 (Marc Weingarten)

"Praise is due Austerlitz for his diligence, open-mindedness and patience; watching as many videos as he has would have fried most others' brains.

A New York critic who specializes in film and music, Austerlitz writes for publications mainstream, specialist and what started out alternative, like Spin. 'Money for Nothing,' his first book, is a niche product. Its primary appeal will be to other critics; if its marketed effectively, it should also appeal to music, video and film fans, and those eager to break into those businesses...Austerlitz is a gifted critic; he's particularly OK in my book because he, too, can't stand Creed front man Scott Stapp or Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst. Austerlitz likes the genre once known as alternative rock, shuns heavy metal and 'nu metal,' disses many hip-hop videos (for reasons similar to his dislike of heavy metal videos), considers Eminem subversive and powerfully political, and proffers kind words not only about music videos auteurs like Spike Jonze and Michael Gondry (his faves) but also about various musical groups. When band and video come together well, his interpretation can be dense, warm and illuminating..." (

"It's about time someone wrote a comprehensive tome to the music video. From the very early days of music shorts to You Tube, Brooklyn-based music critic Saul Austerlitz has a lot to talk about...this in-depth analysis of hundreds of videos is done in an interesting way that will teach you tons about bands, MTV and the 80's. If you only read a few pages, check out the author's list of his top 100 videos."


-Mention. Publishers Weekly/ January 15, 2007

(Publishers Weekly)

"...Austerlitz does anice job of documenting how the cleverest video directors have boosted theircredibility by paying homage to cinematic landmark; he knows how to connectSinead O'Connor to Maria Falconetti's silent-era Joan of Arc. And "Money forNothing" shows just how much Hollywood has, in turn, been influenced by MTV."-James Sullivan, The Boston Globe, June18, 2007 (The Boston Globe)

'Money captures music video at an important turning point. As the Internet becomes our primary outlet for video viewing, we need writers like Saul Austerlitz - music fanatics who've watched more episodes of 120 Minutes than clinically recommended - to remind us of the medium's bygone halcyon era.' (Sanford Lakoff)

(Sanford Lakoff)

'Music videos finally get their proper due as a legitimate art form for rigorous analysis...Austerlitz is nothing if not thorough. He opens the book with an introduction that does a nice job of explaining just what this mutant media object connotes to the masses.'Marc Weingarten, Paste, Issue 28 (Sanford Lakoff)

"Praise is due Austerlitz for his diligence, open-mindedness and patience; watching as many videos as he has would have fried most others’ brains.

A New York critic who specializes in film and music, Austerlitz writes for publications mainstream, specialist and what started out alternative, like Spin. 'Money for Nothing,’ his first book, is a niche product. Its primary appeal will be to other critics; if its marketed effectively, it should also appeal to music, video and film fans, and those eager to break into those businesses…Austerlitz is a gifted critic; he’s particularly OK in my book because he, too, can’t stand Creed front man Scott Stapp or Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst. Austerlitz likes the genre once known as alternative rock, shuns heavy metal and 'nu metal,’ disses many hip-hop videos (for reasons similar to his dislike of heavy metal videos), considers Eminem subversive and powerfully political, and proffers kind words not only about music videos auteurs like Spike Jonze and Michael Gondry (his faves) but also about various musical groups. When band and video come together well, his interpretation can be dense, warm and illuminating…" (Sanford Lakoff)

"It’s about time someone wrote a comprehensive tome to the music video. From the very early days of music shorts to You Tube, Brooklyn-based music critic Saul Austerlitz has a lot to talk about…this in-depth analysis of hundreds of videos is done in an interesting way that will teach you tons about bands, MTV and the 80’s. If you only read a few pages, check out the author’s list of his top 100 videos."

(Sanford Lakoff)

-Mention. Publishers Weekly/ January 15, 2007

(Sanford Lakoff)

“…Austerlitz does anice job of documenting how the cleverest video directors have boosted theircredibility by paying homage to cinematic landmark; he knows how to connectSinead O’Connor to Maria Falconetti’s silent-era Joan of Arc. And “Money forNothing” shows just how much Hollywood has, in turn, been influenced by MTV.”-James Sullivan, The Boston Globe, June18, 2007 (Sanford Lakoff)

About the Author
Saul Austerlitz is a writer and cultural critic living in New York City. His work has been published in the Boston Globe (where he is a regular contributor), Slate, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Village Voice, and other publications.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Groundbreaking Work for Music Video Fans
By Daniel Smokler
As a child of the 80's who grew up in front of MTV, I have been waiting for a book like this to arrive. Music videos have been one of the most innovative and influential forms of media for the last twenty years, but there has been surprisingly little scholarship on the genre.

In that sense, Austerlitz is breaking new ground with this book. He is a savy tour guide for the visual landscape we all share. From the music video's early days, to the hair metal 80's into the ganster 90's, he manages to articulate in witty and insightful prose the nuances and salient features of the genre as a whole, and specific high points in particular.

With the explosion of youtube, and other self produced video formats, its about time we have some serious thinking published on the subject. Austerlitz does just that. At the same time, this is a book for the music video fan. Those of us who remember the glory days of Motley Crue's reign on DIAL-MTV, or that graffiti set of Parents Just Don't Understand, upto the great Guns and Roses triology will be thrilled to hear a wise and equally passionate voice take us back through these videos.

I only hope the sequal will shed some light on Trapped In the Closet.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Your cortex will thank you
By Reuben M. Silberman
The history of music videos is unwritten, even though the appeal of this strange, incandescent art form should be just as oversized for people of all ages as it is for those of us who grew up in the eighties and nineties. Austerlitz is a witty, thoughtful guide who writes with a gentle mix of scholarship and loving irreverence. Read this book no matter who you are--and then go to YouTube and burn his top 100 videos into the back of your brain.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Never thought I would use the words "thought-provoking" and MTV in the same sentence
By J. Olken
Austerlitz is an insightful and funny guide through the world of music video, and it's a tour worth taking. I spent a good portion of my adolescence looking on in horror at the flopping fish in Faith No More's "Epic," taking style cues from MC Hammer, and watching the worms crawl around Peter Gabriel's head, but my middle school eyes didn't see much past the flash. For those of you like me who loved it (but maybe didn't get it) the first time around, this book is an eye-opener - as when Austerlitz takes points to the beginnings of music video in WWII "Soundies" - while still holding on to the fun and nostalgia of an afternoon (or maybe a good, solid year) watching VH1. There's plenty in here for cinephile, music geek, or the merely curious. In short: buy it, read it, and enjoy.

See all 4 customer reviews...

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Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz Kindle

Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz PDF

Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz PDF

Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz PDF
Money for Nothing: A History of the Music Video from the Beatles to the White Stripes, by Saul Austerlitz PDF

Rabu, 10 April 2013

[M970.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem

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Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem

Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem

Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem

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Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem

Android Firebase is a cloud service provider as well as a backend business that allows you to obtain organized data for mobile apps. This is an important aspect as almost all mobile apps today needs user verification and updates. Firebase is easy to use and allows quick reading and writing of data even for beginners. Firebase can be used to build iOS, Android and even web- based applications with real time data and storage and makes a variety of other products that software developers can utilize.

  • Sales Rank: #2318506 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-06-29
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .10" w x 5.00" l, .11 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 40 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
By Burt Swenson
A poorly bound printing of a basic PDF in a large font. Terrible.

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Yes, even though it was very cheap I returned a Kindle book
By Jim Stewart
I have purchased many physical and electronic books on Amazon. I don't think I ever returned a physical book before though maybe I should have. Information on Android with Firebase are a little rare, especially the new version I learned about at Google IO 2016. If you surf around you can find some examples but usually most are in Javascript. When I read the sample of this book it didn't tell me anything only a couple of pages. Given the price I purchased the Kindle edition. This 'book' is little more than 60 points and paragraphs on what you need to do. There is not a single code sample or screen capture. The book is so brief I had to check I wasn't just reading the contents. You can learn much more at, or the Firecasts channels on youtube. I returned this purchase after only a few minutes. Having thought about it a little, I felt compelled to write this review.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem PDF

Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem PDF
Google Android Firebase: Learning the Basics, by Bill Stonehem PDF

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

[G860.Ebook] PDF Ebook THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

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THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

PDF Ebook THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

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THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc

My Dream Comes True est un livre de souvenirs fait par un simple fan qui a eu la chance de c�toyer et de suivre The Cure en tourn�e pendant plusieurs ann�es. Dans ce Carnet de route avec The Cure, J�r�my WULC relate son histoire avec le groupe, une histoire truff�e d'anecdotes et de moments magiques, dont le r�cit est agr�ment� de pr�s de cent vingt photos in�dites, prises par l'auteur lui-m�me. J�r�my y parle ainsi de sa premi�re rencontre avec Perry Bamonte en 1989, ainsi qu'avec Robert Smith, les autres musiciens et l'entourage direct de Cure. Il y raconte ce qu'il a vu, entendu et v�cu pendant les after-show, les day off et les soir�es dans les h�tels. Perry Bamonte (qui a �crit la pr�face de cet ouvrage) et Jason Cooper lui ont m�me racont� quelques souvenirs pour que ce nouveau livre sur l'un des plus grands groupes du monde soit encore plus vivant et intimiste. Aujourd'hui, J�r�my en est � son cent sixi�me concert de Cure !

  • Sales Rank: #3713837 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-04-17
  • Released on: 2009-04-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc PDF

THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc PDF
THE CURE My Dream Comes True (French Edition), by Jérémy Wulc PDF

[P610.Ebook] Download Ebook Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca

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Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca

Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca

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Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca

This comprehensive collection of 205 scores illustrates every significant trend and genre of Western music from antiquity to modern times.

Highlights of the repertoire include new works from all periods: more contrasting virelais, ballades, and other chansons from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries; large-scale choral works, including Gabrieli’s In ecclesiis, Lully’s Te Deum, Haydn’s Creation, and Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky; more opera, including Norma, Les Huguenots, and Madama Butterfly; orchestral and chamber works by Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Dvor�k, and Tchaikovsky; and new twentieth-century works by Satie, Bart�k, Milhaud, Prokofiev, Varese, Hindemith, Cowell, Cage, Feldman, Stockhausen, Boulez, Berio, Reich, Adams, Ligeti, Schnittke, and Michael Daugherty.

  • Sales Rank: #384912 in Books
  • Published on: 1988-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 6.25" w x 1.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 686 pages

About the Author
J. Peter Burkholder is Distinguished Professor of Musicology at Indiana University. He has written and edited four books on Charles Ives, as well as numerous articles on topics spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century for The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Journal of Musicology, Musical Quarterly, 19th-Century Music, Music Theory Spectrum, and other journals. He has served as President, Vice President, and Director-at-Large of the American Musicological Society and on the board of the College Music Society. His writings have received awards from the American Musicological Society, the Society for American Music, and ASCAP.

Claude V. Palisca, late professor of music at Yale University, began his collaboration on A History of Western Music with the Third Edition. Among his many publications are a history of Baroque music and a collection of scholarly essays on Italian Renaissance music.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Too expensive. I barely used it in college. ...
By Anonymous
Too expensive. I barely used it in college. Don't buy it it isn't practical unless you are doing masters works in history.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Must-have for music students.
By Katherine
These anthologies are breathtakingly expensive, but they are important to any music education because they are thoroughly comprehensive. Rather than provide a history of music, these recordings explain principles and ideas in a concrete way and present examples.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good presentation and content
By LauGA
The analysis at the he end of the pieces is helpful and not complicated.for the average music student. It's commonly assigned.

See all 24 customer reviews...

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Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca PDF

Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca PDF

Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca PDF
Norton Anthology of Western Music Mediev, by Claude Palisca PDF