Sabtu, 17 April 2010

[H634.Ebook] PDF Download Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

PDF Download Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

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Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

PDF Download Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

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Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller

ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: APPROACHES AND PROCESSES presents organizational communication from both a communication and managerial perspective. Professor Miller's clear writing style and consistent use of examples and case studies result in a text that you'll find easy to understand.

  • Sales Rank: #285899 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-01-06
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .70" h x 7.60" w x 9.20" l, 1.45 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 336 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Favorite text book for my Org Comm class
By Kevin Collision
Miller writes in a very easy-to-ready everyday vernacular, and clearly connects her arguments. This book links major concepts in organizational communication in a manner that makes each argument more cogent and easy to understand. Sidebars include examples that connect the material to real-world examples.

I especially appreciate how she writes about concepts outside of the general topic of Organizational Communication; the class I got this book for is an elective outside of my major in Organizational Development, and I recognized portions of the material from my Systems Dynamics class. I feel that this gives the book an excellent "global" perspective of the issues at play.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Really good book and one I will keep
By Carol
Really good book and one I will keep. Even though I have my BA now this is great book to keep to go back over information. Great for anyone to understand how people work in organizations and interact. Its helpful when starting a job or if one is a manager. Just a great book and easy to read and understand. As I work with people this is a winner. It is also helping me re-enter the work force as an older woman.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
... helped me understand my professors lectures and notes much better than if I was only looking at the lectures ...
By Marie
I had to order this book for a class I am taking (I am a Communication Major) however it is a very interesting book and it has helped me understand my professors lectures and notes much better than if I was only looking at the lectures on their own.

It also has a lot of tables and figures which I like as well.

See all 23 customer reviews...

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Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller PDF

Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller PDF

Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller PDF
Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, by Katherine Miller PDF

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