Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

[N750.Ebook] Download Ebook Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

Download Ebook Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

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Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

Download Ebook Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

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Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz

About the Book
There's a lot of good information available on long range shooting which explains how to correct trajectories for drop, wind deflection, etc. This book takes it a step further and discusses how various uncertainties affect your hit percentage.

Weapon Employment Zone (WEZ) analysis is a method for showing how effective a weapon system is throughout its range of employment in terms of hit percentage. WEZ analysis is explained, and applied throughout the book to show how effectiveness can be improved thru various means.

Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting is written in the same easy to understand language that made Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting such an enjoyable and effective book. Long range shooting can be very technical. However, author Bryan Litz, communicates these complex ideas in layman terms, so most average shooters can master the subject with little difficulty.

  • Sales Rank: #123496 in Books
  • Published on: 2011
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 578 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

72 of 80 people found the following review helpful.
Lacks Index. Over-Use of Acronyms. Mostly For Competitive Shooters
By L. Scott
First, this book covers long range target shooting using a smart phone or hand-held ballistics computer and only discusses a few different rounds, specifically 223, 243 (briefly), but mainly 308, 300 Magnum and 338 Lapua. In my opinion, this is NOT a book on general long range and extreme range shooting like the title may suggest to some folks. Also if you don't use a ballistic app, save your money - there are better books. This is not a how-to book on making long shots, but instead more of a discussion of various topics involved in long range competition.

Another criticism is the vague chapter titles and lack of an index, this combination means one either must become very familiar with the contents of each and every chapter or spend a lot of time flipping back and forth to find specific topics since the same topic may be discussed in more than one chapter. The chapter titles don't really indicate the specific topics contained therein.

IMHO, the author relies a little too much on acronyms (and due to the absence of an index), this requires the reader search around to find where these acronyms are defined. In describing different rounds, the author's shorthand designations can be confusing. For example, using SMK for Sierra Match King is fine since most shooters and re-loaders are familiar with that simple abbreviation, but what about A191, MK248 Mod 1, HBC, and 230 OTM? Would you guess that MK248 Mod 1 means a 190 gr. Match King in 30 caliber? HBC is apparently a 155 gr. Australian round that probably 99% of shooters never heard of. I must assume expert shooters are familiar with such designations, but I'd bet unless one is an expert these terms and abbreviations mean nothing. OK, so this book is for experts. By tailoring the book for experts, the author really restricts the appeal for what could be a much more usable book.

Within the first couple pages, the author starts discussing Standard Deviation without ever defining what it is. I know what it is, but some people probably don't. It would be better if the author briefly defined Standard Deviation before jumping into a discussion about it.

On the plus side, there is a lot of useful information and discussion on many topics, especially on trouble-shooting misses at long range.

The author obviously knows what he's talking about, so I'm not criticizing his knowledge, but rather I do think the presentation could be improved. The lack of an index in any non-fiction book is simply due to laziness on the part of its author. This is something that annoys readers everywhere.

Having one page listing all the acronyms and abbreviations used in the book and their definitions that one could quickly turn to would be a help. I can only guess the author uses a lot of acronyms due to his military background, since everybody knows how the military loves having an acronym for virtually everything! LOL.

Anyway, if one is a long range competitive shooter using certain standard loads, this book would probably be very useful. But for the average person who only does NON-competitive or NON-military long range shooting with common calibers like 7mm Remington, 30-06, etc. this book is really not very useful. Yes, there is some good info in the book, but there's also a lot of stuff that that isn't of much use to average shooters.

31 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
Accuracy First!
By T.A.L. Dozer
Accuracy First!

Bryan Litz has put his military background and Aerospace Engineering degree to great use with the publication of "Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen." I have read a ton of marksmanship books and have delved into my share of books on ballistics to understand the theory behind accuracy and precision. However, this book has lifted the shroud of mystery behind the subject and has clarified at least to me a lot of the errors I have picked up over the years. The intent of this book as stated in the introduction "is to explore the uncertainties and inaccuracies of real world shooting so riflemen can make well informed decisions about how to improve their hit percentage". This is done by looking at the fundamentals of precision and accuracy, then supporting the facts in weapon employment zone analysis. All I can say is if Todd Hodnett of Accuracy 1st, one of the most respected and sought after instructors in the entire world recommends this book you know it has to be good! Overall, this book is must own for any professional shooter, no matter if you are military, police or recreational shooter.


Part 1: Precision
1. Overview of methodology
2. Example WEZ calculation
3. Wind uncertainty
4. Range uncertainty
5. Inherent precision
6. Muzzle velocity effects
Part 2: Accuracy
7. Accurate shooting basics
8. Leveling your sights
9. Trajectory modeling
10. Secondary trajectory effects
11. Calibrating ballistic solutions
12. Live fire verification
Part 3: Weapon Employment Zone Analysis
13. 300 Winchester Magnum
14. 300 Win Mag vs. 338 Lapua Mag
15. Score shooting
16. Wind sensor array
17. Varmint hunting
18. Medium and big game hunting
19. Military and tactical shooting
-Appendix: Bullet BC tablets

(Hardcover, 6.5" x 9", highly illustrated, 300 pages)

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Great Read - best of many ballistics books.....
By Avagadro
Like many, I have a number of ballistics and shooting books. This one is the winner!! For all of you that are long range shooters or are thinking about long range shooting, this is a MUST READ. The methodology that is used to clarify some of the confusion about long range shooting is easy to understand and it makes perfect sense. The most surprising revelation for me was the rate at which precision falls off the cliff based on a number of factors. Even with a the 308, hit probabilities can fall rapidly based on a number of variables and misses can occur even at "close" ranges. Great read and I can not wait to work through this material at the range!

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Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz PDF

Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz PDF
Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide for Riflemen, by Bryan Litz PDF

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

[P314.Ebook] Ebook Free The Essence of Logic Circuits, by Stephen H. Unger

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The Essence of Logic Circuits, by Stephen H. Unger

Today, designing a state-of-the-art circuit means knowing how to pack more and more logic on a chip. Featuring an extensive introductory material, this complete, carefully-organized guide brings you valuable information on designing modern logic circuits from gates, switches, and other basic elements to meet the rising demands on modern circuit technology. THE ESSENCE OF LOGIC CIRCUITS allows computer scientists and students to start from scratch and gain a comprehensive understanding of most important topics in the field.

  • Sales Rank: #3970113 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Wiley-IEEE Press
  • Published on: 1996-08-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.39" h x .93" w x 7.19" l, 2.00 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 352 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering The Essence of Logic Circuits Second Edition Today, designing state-of-the-art circuits means packing more and more logic on a chip while avoiding timing faults. Featuring extensive introductory material, this complete, carefully organized guide brings you valuable information on designing logic circuits to meet the rising demands on modern circuit technology. The Essence of Logic Circuits allows computer engineers, computer scientists, and students to start from scratch and gain a comprehensive understanding of the most important topics in the field:

  • Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps
  • Fault detection
  • Hazards and metastability
  • CMOS circuits
  • Computer-aided design
  • Symmetric and iterative functions
  • Arbiters and synchronizers
  • Self-timed circuits and handshaking methods
  • Latches and C-elements
  • And more!
Complete with examples throughout, this book is ideal for engineers and students who want to achieve competence in modern logic circuit technology and a greater knowledge of the implementation of digital computers.

About the Author
Biographical Sketch Dr. Stephen H. Unger has made important contributions to logic circuit design theory over a period of many years. This has included significant work on hazards, flow table reduction, iterative circuits, clocking schemes, and self-timed systems. His book Asynchronous Sequential Switching Circuits is a basic reference in that field. Dr. Unger's graduate work was at MIT, and he subsequently was a member of the technical staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories for almost 5 years. His industrial experience also includes work at RCA Laboratories and IBM. He is a professor of both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, where he recently was instrumental in organizing a degree program in computer engineering. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the AAAS. Mostly through the IEEE (as a member of the Board of Directors and former president of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology), Dr. Unger has also been active in the areas of engineering ethics and technology policy.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Clear presentation of the subject - though I may be biased
By David Solimano
I was fortunate enough to use this text in an introductory course with Unger himself. I thought the book was easy to understand and presented a difficult subject clearly. However, I will admit that having the author of the book in the classroom may have made it easier for me to understand what was going on.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent beginning book for Intermediate Digital Design
By Kersi H. Vakil
This books extensively makes use of state machines. The author describes advanced digital circuits such as look ahead adders. It also describes emerging digital techniques such as Scan-chaining and boundary scans. Numerous illustrative examples make the concept clear (e.g. a coin operated candy vending machine). An excellent book for would be logic designers.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By A Customer
I used this text for a course with the author. The text is full of typos, incomplete explanations, and has an incomprehensible writing style.

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Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

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Don't Fall Off the Mountain, by Shirley MacLaine

"I've always felt that I would never develop into a really fine actress because I cared more��about life beyond the camera than the life in front��of it. Over the years my search became broader and��broader. After two months on a picture my car��seemed to veer toward the airport of its own accord. I��still loved acting and enjoyed it. I was a��professional, but basically I was more interested in the��people I played than the movies I played them��in... " -- Shirley MacLaine.

An��outspoken thinker, a keen observer, a truly��independent woman, Shirley MacLaine takes us on a��remarkable journey into her life and her inner self. From��her Virginia roots, to stardom, marriage,��motherhood and her enlightening travels to mysterious��corners of the world, her story is exciting and��poetic, moving and humorous-the varied and life-changing��experiences of a talented, intelligent and��extraordinary woman.

  • Sales Rank: #1416076 in Books
  • Brand: W.W. Norton & Co
  • Published on: 1970
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 270 pages

From the Publisher
"I've always felt that I would never develop into a really fine actress because I cared more about life beyond the camera than the life in front of it. Over the years my search became broader and broader. After two months on a picture my car seemed to veer toward the airport of its own accord. I still loved acting and enjoyed it. I was a professional, but basically I was more interested in the people I played than the movies I played them in... " -- Shirley MacLaine.

An outspoken thinker, a keen observer, a truly independent woman, Shirley MacLaine takes us on a remarkable journey into her life and her inner self. From her Virginia roots, to stardom, marriage, motherhood and her enlightening travels to mysterious corners of the world, her story is exciting and poetic, moving and humorous-the varied and life-changing experiences of a talented, intelligent and extraordinary woman.

From the Inside Flap
"I've always felt that I would never develop into a really fine actress because I cared more about life beyond the camera than the life in front of it. Over the years my search became broader and broader. After two months on a picture my car seemed to veer toward the airport of its own accord. I still loved acting and enjoyed it. I was a professional, but basically I was more interested in the people I played than the movies I played them in... " -- Shirley MacLaine.

An outspoken thinker, a keen observer, a truly independent woman, Shirley MacLaine takes us on a remarkable journey into her life and her inner self. From her Virginia roots, to stardom, marriage, motherhood and her enlightening travels to mysterious corners of the world, her story is exciting and poetic, moving and humorous-the varied and life-changing experiences of a talented, intelligent and extraordinary woman.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Amazing Life!
By David Clarke
This is a wonderful autobiography by a woman who knows how to savor life. It explores her background from the days when she sought to become a professional ballerina, her beginnings in film, her journey into exotic lands that expanded her compassion for her fellow humans, and ultimately led to a spiritual transformation reflected in her later books.

As the author of a spiritually-themed novel entitled "The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude," I am always on the outlook for books that provide food for the soul. This one did it for me and it shall for you as well. You too can discover that you can have an amazing life. I have begun to experience a life beyond my wildest dreams. Shirley's books opened me to that possibility.

Davis Aujourd'hui, author of "The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude"

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Prime Minister Lenny & Bhutan
By Patricia
My favorite story in this book is when Shirley visits the tiny country of Bhutan in 1964. She's thrilled and nervous when she's invited to meet Bhutan's prime minister, Llendhup Dorji. She expects an elderly holy man in saffron robes, sitting in a lotus position surrounded by an aura of sternness and spirituality. Suddenly, a handsome 28-year old Mongolian man dressed in tight black mohair pants, a bright red sports jacket and Italian shoes--with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth--swaggers into the room. He shakes her hand and says "Hi there, my name is Lenny!" Yes, Lenny was the acting Prime Minister of Bhutan in 1964 and according to Shirley, he was the hippest, coolest guy in the country. He asked HER about Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, shared a drink with her and drove her around in his European sports car. Yet his conversation became poignant when he told Shirley he once hitchhiked across the United States and lived in Greenwich Village, where people assumed he was a Chinese laundryman. He said: "How do you explain Bhutan to Americans?" But Shirley's comments were even more thought-provoking. "I was thrown off completely. This Bhutanese chief of state had slept in Grand Central Station and people thought he was a Chinese laundryman? I guess it was no more incongruous than an American movie star who wanted to experiment with her inner self in the Himalayas." This is Shirley's first book, originally published in 1970, and it's one of her best. It will expand your horizons and your outlook on life.

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
A Remarkable Book............
By Debbie Baker
.........by a remarkable woman. When reading this book, one tends to find themselves imagining that the contents are based upon a wonderfully moving, humourous, exciting and particularly enlightening feature film starring the immensely talented and deep-thinking Shirley MacLaine. Instead, amazingly......... the book is autobiographical and therefore makes absolutely stunning reading. I have read many books by Shirley MacLaine and within all of them, there is a complete honesty which made me personally, look a little deeper into my own life. It's a gift.

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